Sunday, January 24, 2010


Why a belly cast?
A photo captures your body's changes two dimensionally, but a belly cast adds that dramatic third dimension of depth. As time goes by this memento will mean even more to you as your baby grows and grows. A belly cast is usually made 4 to 6 weeks before a mom’s due date, but you can also make multiple belly casts to capture the miraculous changes in mom’s body throughout her pregnancy.

Is having a cast made of my pregnant belly safe?
Absolutely! We use the same materials hospitals use to cast an arm or leg. After applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly on where you want the cast to be, the casting material is made wet then placed in layers on your skin. You will need to stand or “perch” on a chair to have a successful cast. We provide mats to stand on rather than a hard floor.

Is the procedure messy?
Oh yes! You will need to wear something comfortable that you don’t mind getting petroleum jelly and plaster on. We also have a private shower available for after your casting experience.

How long does the session take?
The medium cast usually takes takes anywhere from 30 - 45 minutes. This time could vary, depending on how large and involved you want your cast to be.

Can I bring my partner or a friend?
Definitely! Your pregnancy is a special time to be shared. We only ask that you do not bring small children as you will be unable to care for them.

What should I bring with me?
We provide a private shower with body washes, shampoos, towels, and a blow dryer but please feel free to bring any special toiletries.

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